Just like
Just like
a dictator-past
(apartheid-military style)
finger erect
finger erect
(a Freudian slippage)
taking the moral
high on power
previously she warned
beware the elderly
a political hack competing
foot-in-mouth with others
in election-time
no doubt she’ll say
no journalist here was
tortured or murdered (yet)
as we’ve seen recently
out at the Saudi consulate
finger erect
it can lose you votes
you might need greatly
in the hawking season
beware little children
as you grow up
to the age of voting
and thinking first
finger erect
journalists still
under attack
be warned
Just like
The ruling class shows its class. Renowned Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered some months ago. And, you remember “We don’t listen to old people like Tutu – Duarte”, Cape Argus April 23 2009; Jessie Duarte, then ruling party spokeswoman, putting her foot in it.
(Photo Credit: JacarandaFM)