Jocko Graves two: Dreams

Jocko as myself

Jocko Graves two: Dreams

Was Jocko Graves real?

He was as real as the meanings of myths and symbols

As real as flags

And paper dollar bills

As real as non-ethnic statues of Jesus
Adorning the churches of Black and Brown People
Who willingly participate in a prayerful contradiction

As real as dreams

As real as The American Dream

What is the difference between a Bitcoin
And a hundred dollar bill?

Can the subconscious mind differentiate between
The real and the imagined?

Do you know who you are in a dream?

Are your dreams and nightmares
More real than mine?

Martin dreamed.

Gene Roddenberry dreamed.

George Washington Dreamed.

A patriots dream
That saw beyond the years
Where alabaster cities gleamed
Undimmed by human tears

Jocko Graves was as real as the patriotic songs I had to sing
To start my day
In elementary school

As real as The Pledge of Allegiance

And The Star Spangled Banner

As real as Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling

And the Diplomatic boycotting of

The 2022 Chinese Winter Olympics

Although we can’t seem to decide when athletic events
And athleticism
Can be allowed to be used
To make political statements

Waking, dreaming, and dreamless sleep
We sing
In all three states of mind

But are most creative when we dream

Bring my dreams and songs to me when I awaken
So that I can refine them when I sleep and dream again

Let me inhale my whole day and reforge it as I sleep
And heal myself in the most ancient of ways

As I blissfully inhabit one third of my human life

Let me sing the songs of my childhood again
Because they still work

And now

I better understand their meaning

Master Blaster Curtis Mayfield
D.C.’s own Marvin Gaye

Tell us.

Tell us: What’s Going On.

Tell us: people get ready.

Mercy, Mercy Me!
It’s a Future Shock.


And the world is still so full of WTF!

American miasma
And the mindless chanting of
“Make America Great again, again”

To reaffirm a nightmare

Rather than to refine George Washington’s dream

I mean

That is

If he actually ever had it.

Who broke the unwritten laws
To cause this dark virtueless cloud
To overshadow us all?

COVID-19 proves that separate but equal is still alive and well

As we live and die

In the gigantic shadow
Of the microscopic

Although separate is doing much better than equal

And equal has only ever been an American dream

The difficult conversations that America should have
That we have been having for a long time

Since before Archie Bunker got kissed by Sammy Davis Jr. on national TV
And before George Jefferson got sassed by his Black maid

Because the network wouldn’t let him have a White one

Before Petula Clark held hands with Harry Belafonte
And Sidney Poitier sang Amen to Eastern European nuns.

Swing low sweet chariot

Swing down sweet chariot ship and let me ride

Before Martin Luther King Jr. asked Nichelle Nichols
Not to leave Star Trek

(Because Diahann Carroll in Julia was still two full years away)

And before her character, Lt. Uhura, kissed Captain Kirk on a planet full of

Who liked to watch

Before there were three Catwomen and one of them was Eartha Kitt

But she couldn’t kiss Batman
Even though the other two had

And before there were no Blacks in Mayberry RFD

But do you recall any in Friends or on Seinfeld?

Out of 8,000,000 stories in the five boroughs of The Naked City
Quite a few of them were missed

Because even if “you” are one in a million in New York
There should be at least eight of you

Before Granny freely waved the confederate flag on network television on the Beverly Hillbillies

Proving that you could live anywhere in America
As long as you were rich and White

And before there was a Hooterville Junction

Or, an acid trippy Green acres, too.

Before Sticks, one of the few Black men on Happy Days, played the drums
And before he — the actor Jack Baker — actually died of cancer in real life
After a marginal career in golden age pornography

America has needed to have a conversation
That, actually, it’s been having.

And we’re not yet finished talking

Not by a long way.

Because conversations matter.

Hidden under the masks of The Predator
And dancing in the Xenomorph’s black biomechanical prosthetics

We are the voice of Darth Vader

The base voices that make the Klingons menacing

And the voice that invites America to eat at Arby’s, too.

Tell us fairy tales for troubled times
Or, of a past some call “the good old days”

Which weren’t

When George Washington dreamed of a gleaming tomorrow
That has never come

Living in this once upon a time
Called right now.

But, I still like happy endings
Never no tears.

I keep hearing people say that both America
And American Democracy
Are a grand experiment

I ask

An experiment upon whom?

A sleep study?

Sleep better by problematizing the word:

While calling yourself contemporary non-religious Mindful Buddhist

Now that he’s dead, Thich Nhat Hanh can roll over in his grave

Jungian analyst say that this chaos is the digestion of America’s Shadow

Bullshit, I say.

It’s the American inability to digest the spicy masala stew
In in its melting pot

(Shout out Kamala Harris)

I say to you, co-opters

Thieves of the worlds great cultures
And peoples

You imprisoners of the ancient arts and achievements of:






and Greece

Stolen treasures housed in Colonial museums
Where Keats contemplated his urn
And wrote an ode

Because contemplations matter

Was Jocko Graves real?

As real as Paul Reveres midnight ride

As real as underground railroads
That had neither trains
Nor tracks

Listen my children and you shall hear

All of it is as real as you want it to be.

And it’s only real when you want it to be.


When we make it real.

The faithful groomsmen

(By Heidi Lindemann and Michael Perry)

(Art credit 1: Chase Hall / Dazed) (Art Credit 2: Jalen Law)