(Not) While the city sleeps
(Not) While the city sleeps
there is a child rape
crisis in the city
(a World Design Capital city)
(children should be
seen and not heard)
(Not) While the city sleeps
a terrifying epidemic
of sexual assault
(4 a day reported)
Never mind the police
Never mind our constitution
and flowery speeches about it
(Women’s Month quite far away
16 Days of Activism a memory-distant)
(Not) While the city sleeps
we attack our children
(and our women too)
with impunity
Malnutrition and hunger
crosses security fences
(that protect us from ourselves)
to be right on your doorstep
Is it the poor
Is it the hungry
Is it the jobless
matriculants and even
the homeless
Is it you
behind closed doors
in gated mansions
in ivory towers
be-suited in committee
How does the city sleep
(the city that works)
in the cold light of day
How do you sleep
“Child rape crisis in city” (Argus, 31 January 2014)
(Photo Credit: Sthembiso Lebuso / City Press / News 24)