That’s how I got caught on it
(an ode to Crystal, not the meth)
That’s how I got caught on it
not the Cape’s drug of choice’
tik – methamphetamine –
says Bonteheuwels’ Crystal Cupido
UWC Lifelong Learning Award Winner
Crystal, not the meth
many of us are hooked on
getting high on the drug
and not on the everyday of life
Getting high she did
at the tender age of 6
(courtesy of her mother)
on Bronté’s Wuthering Heights
and other such pleasures
That’s how I got caught on it
literature from long ago
made her want to study English
though she faltered at Grade 12
Crystal, not the meth
from out Bonteheuwel way
where news is habitually bad
(the area once a liberated zone)
She is high on literature
got her chance at UWC when
lots of people closed their doors
(she determined like never before)
So while tik has made it
ruining the lives of many
might Crystal’s perseverance
make it in yours
“Crystal’s resolve has life lessons for all” (Athlone News, March 23 2011)